An ideal family setup requires the presence and involvement of both parents in the lives of their children. Kids should grow up under the love, care and support of both parents. Research has proven that physical and emotional support is vital in the growth and development of kids. Unfortunately, there has been a steady increase in single parent families where in most cases the father is absent.
This is the main reason why there are numerous programs put in place to support fathers and get them more involved in the lives of their children. The benefits of fatherhood initiative programs cannot be overstressed enough. Often, families are broken up by separation or divorce of parents while some never formed stable families at all. Furthermore, cases of men avoiding parental responsibilities after impregnating women are rampant.
Fatherhood Initiative Programs
There are many programs set up by both governmental as well as non-governmental organizations. They aim to raise awareness about the importance of fathers assuming responsibility and getting more involved in the lives of their kids. Additionally, these programs support struggling single fathers as well as those willing to assume responsibilities but do not know how.
These programs offer both economic and emotional support to fathers. They understand and appreciate the difficult position fathers find themselves in especially during the current hard economic times. The 2007/2008 economic recession that hit the US and reverberated around the world caused many job losses. Men experienced a 70 percent of the total job loss. Unemployment coupled with piling unpaid child support is enough to cause immense stress on any man.
The Importance of Fatherhood Initiative Programs
Responsible fatherhood programs are the way to go in beginning to address the above concerns. These programs assist fathers to find meaningful employment thus allowing them to support their families or pay child support where applicable. This allows such men to provide not only emotional but also financial support to their families. Click here for more information.
These programs help fathers cultivate healthy relationships with their children and the latter's mothers. Whether parents are together or not, they must present a common front before their kids. They must be on the same page to be able to raise their kids well as well as gain their love and respect.
Research has shown that there is a correlation between children who grow up without father figures and bad behavior. The need for fatherly love, acceptance and guidance leads many into bad vices like drug abuse, theft or getting involved in gangs. Fatherhood programs help men fill their parenting roles and raise their kids well.
Responsible and involved fathers allow mothers to get some free time. This is especially welcomed by single mothers who need time to engage in social activities, seek employment and take care of their health. They also get time off to concentrate on their love life. There are many benefits of fatherhood initiative programs. The main is that they allow men to pull their act together and get actively involved in the lives of their families. They help men become responsible fathers.
This is the main reason why there are numerous programs put in place to support fathers and get them more involved in the lives of their children. The benefits of fatherhood initiative programs cannot be overstressed enough. Often, families are broken up by separation or divorce of parents while some never formed stable families at all. Furthermore, cases of men avoiding parental responsibilities after impregnating women are rampant.
Fatherhood Initiative Programs
There are many programs set up by both governmental as well as non-governmental organizations. They aim to raise awareness about the importance of fathers assuming responsibility and getting more involved in the lives of their kids. Additionally, these programs support struggling single fathers as well as those willing to assume responsibilities but do not know how.
These programs offer both economic and emotional support to fathers. They understand and appreciate the difficult position fathers find themselves in especially during the current hard economic times. The 2007/2008 economic recession that hit the US and reverberated around the world caused many job losses. Men experienced a 70 percent of the total job loss. Unemployment coupled with piling unpaid child support is enough to cause immense stress on any man.
The Importance of Fatherhood Initiative Programs
Responsible fatherhood programs are the way to go in beginning to address the above concerns. These programs assist fathers to find meaningful employment thus allowing them to support their families or pay child support where applicable. This allows such men to provide not only emotional but also financial support to their families. Click here for more information.
These programs help fathers cultivate healthy relationships with their children and the latter's mothers. Whether parents are together or not, they must present a common front before their kids. They must be on the same page to be able to raise their kids well as well as gain their love and respect.
Research has shown that there is a correlation between children who grow up without father figures and bad behavior. The need for fatherly love, acceptance and guidance leads many into bad vices like drug abuse, theft or getting involved in gangs. Fatherhood programs help men fill their parenting roles and raise their kids well.
Responsible and involved fathers allow mothers to get some free time. This is especially welcomed by single mothers who need time to engage in social activities, seek employment and take care of their health. They also get time off to concentrate on their love life. There are many benefits of fatherhood initiative programs. The main is that they allow men to pull their act together and get actively involved in the lives of their families. They help men become responsible fathers.